Operation: Greenspace needs your help to create a community over watch for Outpost 422

Donations: The Sacred Warrior Search and Rescue Foundation (paypal.com)

We are starting up a virtual cooperative to work with our clients. Your donations to the Sacred Warrior Search and Rescue Foundation assist with starting up an 11th hour sponsorship program to provide vets who enter into detox a free second hand phone and a safety plan. We support the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs Zero Veteran Suicide Initiative to create strategies for relapse and suicide prevention as an agency who works with Dane County Drug Court. All proceeds go to rehabilitating those who feel lost. Our #NOTINCLUDED campaign creates microaggression awareness and solutions to overcoming the impossibility of waking up each day with mental illness.

Author: Bob Cobb Freelance Ink LLC Word Press Administrator

Bob Cobb Freelance Ink LLC works to connect veterans and their families in the community with blogs for community watch. The firm enlists at-risk veterans to provide resources for stories. The group reports leads to the Wisconsin Department of Justice, Wisconsin Department of Homeland Security, and The Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. Each project helps at-risk veterans find gainful employment by going back to school to become multimedia reporting interns at Outpost 422.

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